Monday, September 14, 2009

healing and wellness- major typo fixed

My hand is healing but I still get sad when I realize that the same time last year I could have hired a professional healer and would probaby be tip top by now.

The wellness clinic called and I was rude to them because they only call to find out about the status of my "debt" and never inquire about how well I am etc.

Just read that Scott Boxenbaum who's dad got him an awesome website is a major Democrat/liberal and that concerns me as Fern Mcfern plans to sue him by October, and I want him to have all his money to donate to liberal causes.

My hand is throbbing and a co blogger is texting me. Must be more cautious with multitasking ugh.


g said...

Wow. Karim, I love people from the far east.

Namaste and thanx so much.

g said...

Please pass it along to the wellness community.